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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Are Form 3520 Offshore

Instructions and Help about Are Form 3520 Offshore

Here is the revised version: What I hope to do over the next couple of minutes is to show you what a perfect asset protection system looks like and reveal how this process combines rock-solid law with structures I've learned to use over 30 years of my career of protecting people from financial attack. I'm going to give you the characteristics of a typical plan, what you always need to consider no matter who does it, and I'm going to do it quickly and in a way that you can take with you and remember for the rest of your life. As I've said before, there are hundreds of different kinds of products being touted as asset protection tools. The lawyers and the capitalists that are making a killing each year off the countless other strategies will probably want to hunt me down and eliminate me for revealing this information because when enough people know about it, the folks getting rich selling overpriced and/or ineffective protection strategies will suffer the impact on their wallets. But here goes, what I'm going to share with you right now is the blueprint so you can be protected for life. And isn't that what we all want, to be free from worry that somebody or some organization can come in at any moment and rob us of our livelihood? So, what does the perfect plan look like? Well, a perfect asset protection plan has four characteristics. I want you to think of this acronym - "STOP" like a stop sign, stop because asset protection is designed to stop would-be creditors. Almost every solid plan will have these characteristics. I'll give you a brief overview and then get into some more detail, so if anything seems confusing at first, do not get hung up on it because...