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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Can Form 3520 Streamlined

Instructions and Help about Can Form 3520 Streamlined

Hello hello, we are live. We wanted to go live today because we have a pretty important update. Yeah, we've talked a lot about how the IRS is short-staffed. We were literally talking yesterday, saying they're not really doing a lot of audits. They're so understaffed and over budget that no one gets audited. They can't really do anything. Yeah, we were talking a bunch of smack yesterday, exactly on this topic of how the IRS makes all these big threats and promises that they're gonna go after people, then they end up not doing it, sort of leaving us in the position where we advise people over the years to do the right thing and say look, you have some exposure. And then we're sort of wondering, it's like, well, you know, you kinda are making us look a little foolish. So I mean, I know we're not the number one concern, how they feel about us, really our clients are. But this is what happens. Since we published that video, we have been getting calls. People with streamline submissions are now under audit and that is a first. The IRS has been saying for years, we're gonna audit streamline submissions. Years and we've seen nothing, not one single solitary call. And all of a sudden, in the past week, few days, yeah, the calls are coming in. And we were figuring that it would happen at some point. That the IRS had a lot of revenue agents that they've trained via the offshore voluntary disclosure program. Those have been moving quicker and drying up. Haven't been as complicated. So we thought that they would be moving those people hands, putting them into more of an audit role now. Now that they're trained and have all these issues and...