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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 3520 Newsletter

Instructions and Help about Form 3520 Newsletter

You're watching our 11 in a video series. I call Design and Code My Personal Website in 12 Hours. My name is Travis Nielsen, but of course, you knew that already because why would you start watching a video series at our 11, you anarchist? Ah, this week we're gonna build the Notes section. This section includes a form provided by MailChimp that will enable us to gather new subscriptions to my newsletter. I call them Notes, but what they are are emails that I send out every Thursday. Topics that include creativity, work ethic, productivity tips, creative health, personal insights. If you have not signed up, you really should head over to Travis Nelson comm/notes to get some. In the meantime, let's pass the mic to little trash small trav. Let's scroll down to the place where we're gonna start working. And here's our next section. Here, now I've already done a little bit of prep work for this video, nothing that you haven't seen already. Here is a list of what I've done so far. I've created a section notes Jade in Jade files, that's actually the document that I'm writing in right here. And I've included that section notes Jade into index out HTML on line 17, right here. Simple. So create the file, include the file. Next, I've created the home notes.sass in assets CSS 3 sections and I've imported it into Main and you can see that right there. And that concludes the work that I've done so far. Now let's take a look at what we're going to be doing this our jump over to and last week we did the dribble and Behance and this week we're doing email notes. This is a really exciting thing for me. I really enjoy writing email...