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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 3520 Tourism

Instructions and Help about Form 3520 Tourism

Music 25 domestic tourism occurs when people decide to visit places within their own country. This is exemplified by Americans who spend their summers in Hawaii and Florida, or the majority of Greeks, mostly from big cities, who vacation in the Greek islands along with millions of foreign tourists. 24 Christian tourism isn't really its own kind of tourism, but rather a subcategory of religious tourism which is geared exclusively towards Christians. As one can easily understand, Christian sites such as St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City and Jerusalem are some of the hottest destinations for these types of tourists. 23 You may hear many definitions of ecotourism, but the most credible one is given by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. It states that ecotourism is environmentally responsible travel to natural areas in order to enjoy and appreciate nature and accompanying cultural features, both past and present, that promote conservation, have low visitor impact, and provide for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local peoples. So, all we have to add is that if you want to follow such a sacred purpose, you better do it with great respect for Mother Nature. 22 We've all seen this in numerous films: the busy businessman who spends most of his time with his phone stuck to his ear or drinking cocktails near the hotel's pool in front of his laptop. This is what business tourism is all about, a combination of business and pleasure. It's important to note that surveys have shown this type of tourism is to blame for a seriously high number of men who cheat on their wives. 21 Rural tourism occurs in rural areas or settlements, providing employment and income to the local population and offering individualized vacation souvenirs to consumers. It's mainly based on accommodation...