I'll say real quick the order of everything that comes to correcting status this is the master file of ePrint by the way that you're looking at this is also my teaching tool this is the tool that I teach from when I decided to teach so this is the water of everything those of you who know know I've been working on this for some time it used to be for a donation of one hundred and fifty dollars now support donation of one hundred and seventy-five dollars and hopefully once we finished all we're doing over here it will no longer be available for donation so you should make your donation now so you'll have access to it anyway the first thing that one would do which we just added to your tool is Alaska living testament this is a very simple basic last woman testament that only has two major purposes one is to convey the estate and trust the decedent's estate and to pay the who no expenses and the debts of the casino I said two purposes there's more purposes one of the most significant purposes which is at alignment with our research is to appoint the executor the general executor of the estate because you want some type of record of the appointment of the executor of the estate now as I put here in the master bow you record a last will and testament to appoint the executor and transfer the estate and to an existing trust really that trust is going to be I feel for me myself the best practices now I establish a living trust which is also consistent with everything we're doing in the master file so the living trust exists and it's also in the decedent's will as...
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