Hi, I'm Anthony, a parent of IRS medic. And I want you to do me a favor. The next time you hear someone say the tax code isn't all that bad, share this video with them. Because in this video, we're going to demonstrate how incredibly nuts the taxation and reporting of so-called foreign pensions is. We'll drill down on the most critical aspects of the taxation of social security type benefits and other foreign retirement plans. Now, for those who want more advanced training, good news! Attorney Robert Hansen, Sean O'Connor, and I will be offering a much more extensive training for those looking for some CLE or CPE credit with our friends over at Strafford Publishing. We'll be live on Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019. But don't worry if you miss it, you can watch the replay. The cost is 177 USD, but we're giving away three free passes. To enter to win, simply subscribe to this channel and leave a comment below telling us you want in. On January 18th, 2019, we'll be selecting three winners who can attend this training for free. Good luck! Okay, now let's get into it. If you notice, I use the modifier "so-called" to describe foreign pensions. Why? Well, foreign pensions are likely not foreign to you or your clients, right? You're living or still living in the country where you have a foreign pension. The reason I think this is a very important distinction to make is that too many taxpayers or tax professionals assume the worst about themselves or their clients. They feel they can't use the much easier streamline program or just file missing informational returns like FBARs, Form 8938, 454 and 71, or in the case of foreign pensions, possible Form 3520-A and Form 3520. They judge themselves so...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing When Form 3520 Obligations