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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Why Form 3520 Profanity

Instructions and Help about Why Form 3520 Profanity

Yes so I remember this one time when I was in junior high getting called out in the middle of class in front of all my friends the teachers like Justin don't you ever say that again and I was so confused cuz I didn't know what I had said but apparently what I had said was was bad it was it was not not good and what I had said was oh man that's jacked up uh and I literally had to go home and google what it meant speak like what what the what that was slang for because I didn't understand and turns out that that was shorthand for the F word and so I really getting in trouble that was definitely something I got in trouble was my language for you know growing up I have my mom even did the whole washing my mouth out with soap once and so anyways today we're gonna be talking about cursing and profanity and is this something that the Bible forbids allows what does Allah have to say stay tuned Music everybody welcome back to channel my name is Justin and you are watching that Krishna blogger on this channel we like to help you try to understand more about the Bible and to make it practical so you can apply it to your day-to-day life today we're gonna be talking about the subject of profanity about cursing things like that I read an article recently on relevant magazine that was very very interesting still not quite sure what to make out of it I'll link it in the description below this video but it talked about how the Bible in many different situations uses some very graphic language the kind of words that your pastor would never...